Behind the Song: “Big Red Moon”
The only thing I have to commemorate my moment is a Twisted Tea bottle cap and this song.
Behind the Song: “If You Wanted To”
It would seem that, after all, the perfect guy simply just doesn’t exist.
Behind the Song: “Hey You”
I remember looking at myself in the mirror and trying to convince myself that things were going to be okay, even though I felt so deflated…
Behind the Song: “Ghost”
Have you ever met someone that you could see would be a tragic story, but you wanted to read it anyway?
Behind the Song: “Red Hoodie”
October is the month for ghosts. This song is one that haunts me.
Behind the Song: “The Mistake”
I’ve been asked more times than I can count if I “really did fuck Casey…”
Behind the Song: “Lemon”
Would you believe me if I told you that “Lemon” originally started off as a song about a hike?